Getting Started
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In our 2D version we have a HUB, this area is accessible with any device that can use a browser. Our reasoning of offering a 2D version of things to do was to help the game grow if someone can't download the 3D version on their PC or MAC.
The HUB will include a WAX login where you can interact with some smart contracts without downloading the 3D version of the game.
This portion of the game is where you'll be able to explore and walk around. You will be able to download this if you have a Windows PC or a MAC.
Leveling up in LandBox is a simple process. Exploring and capturing Cubolands in the game. The Cubolands will be sent via to the blockchain for your request for a level up.
You can get a character on the secondary market on AtomicHub / NeftyBlocks. You may grab yourself a pack on our official drops here: The starter pack comes with 5 characters ranging from all different abilities inside.
Each Starter Pack Contains the Following Slots: Slot 1-5: Characters | Commons are /250 | Rare are /10 (0.20% Chance) Slot 6: 50% Game Pass | 50% Land Whitelist Pass Slot 7: 25% Hip Hop | 25% Jazz | 25% Undead | 25% Break The Special Edition Pack comes with 2 characters (Gamer & Advertiser) and 1 pet. Pets can be mounted for faster speeds in the game. There are 3 different types of pets (Terrestrial, Flying and Aquatic).
Special Edition Pack Contains the Following Slots:
Slot 1 and 2 Characters: Gamer / Battle Royale: 85.80% | Monster Fight Advertiser: 14.20%
Slot 3 Pet: Terrestrial: 44% | Flying: 28% | Aquatic: 28%
The builder can craft by creating buildings, items and/or decorate scene. They will specifically have access to the builder tool. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The gamer can play mini games throughout Landbox. They will be able to enjoy the mini games around the metaverse. The gamers can mine if you have a computer NFT. Each gamer can operate 2 computers. This character is found in our starter and special edition packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The seller can sell items in stores, if the seller doesn't have the items he won't be able to sell. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The advertiser can place advertisements in the metaverse. You can advertise all around the LandBox world. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The greeter can chat, date, flirt and interact with others. A social butterfly in the LandBox world. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The troll can annoy, teleport and move items around. The troll is exactly what you'd expect from a troll. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The bandit can attack others and take their health away. This character can be arrested by the hero. Will lock the character away for 12 hours. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The hero can stop the bad guys for hours without letting them play. The hero will receive a reward for doing good interactions. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The farmer can produce items that will help increase energy. Increasing energy is an important piece in LandBox. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The medic can come to aid to others for a fee. The medic can help increase health of other players in LandBox. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The monster can haunt other players and start to take their health away in LandBox. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The DJ can add their own music in the dance club. The DJ can get the dance floor moving. This character is found in our starter packs. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.
The VIP character has access to the features of the first season, such as creating parties, playing games, creating and decorating your land. If a new ability is introduced in season 2, your season 1 VIP character won't have access to that new ability. The abilities can be subject to change in the future.